Taking physical count of your inventory

What exactly does it mean to take physical count of your inventory? The aim of taking a physical count of inventory boils down to making sure there’s complete parity and accuracy between: -The actual stock quantities sat in your warehouse or store(s) for each item of...

Organizing your warehouse in 2021

Organizing your warehouse in 2021 Every single day, the warehouse is where the action is. It’s where shipments are received, customer orders are pulled, packed and shipped and inventory is monitored. On top of that, many warehouses perform additional tasks like...

Mistakes to avoid for new sellers on Amazon

Amazon has made it really easy for people to leave their normal desk jobs and become their own bosses. The thrill of running a business on Amazon and generating six-figure revenues has inspired thousands of newcomers to try their luck. If you are one of them, then you...

Diversifying warehouse locations

Why should you even consider diversifying your warehouse locations? As you might already be aware, the COVID-19 outbreak has affected all areas of ecommerce, but some more than others. Shipping carriers in particular have seen huge disruptions to their normal ways of...